In the bush just north of Jopie’s Post sits a bird hide and dam. Built in the shape of an octagon it has 6 viewing hatches from which the rich bird life can be viewed. The hide is managed by the birdwatchers and KEK, but is for the use of all at Kranspoort. This is a tranquil oasis where birds and animals may be watched in total solitude. The hide is built in a clearing in the middle of a thick stand of trees. The area is currently being rehabilitated and additional indigenous trees and shrubs are being planted to attract even more birds. “Vleikurpers” were introduced to the dam. Birdwatchers may also book the hide overnight for an all-night vigil.

Geveerde Vriende: A Feather in Kranspoort's Cap
The interest in birding among Kranspoorters led to the establishment in 2014 of the GeveerdeVriende (Feathered Friends), the birding club in town. It started small with a handwritten list of 70 birds kept by Gerhard and MiemieSnyman. A formal meeting of all birders was held and a committee was elected consisting of Abel Venter, MiemieSnyman, Hannetjie Senekal, and Glen Crouch.
It was decided to have at least four birding days per year. The birders participated in their first National Birding Day at the end of November 2014 and identified 111 species in Kranspoort with the assistance of Middelburg Bird Club as special guests. They set a new target of 200 species which was reached in 2017 when the African Palm Swift was identified. To date, this count stands at 226.
The hide, developed with money generated by GeveerdeVriende, was handed to KEK on 24 September 2017. Other ideal birding areas are the braai and dam on the plateau, the picnic area, the Kranspoort dam, the golf course, and the hiking trails. But the birdlife in the residential area is just as impressive. GeveerdeVriende became an official club with its own logo, membership fees, and a few informal rules in February 2019. Members sport their logo on shirts, hats, and car magnets, to name but a few. The updated birding calendar and bird lists are annual highlights. These are adorned with photographs of several of the Kranspoort bird species. The GeveerdeVriende WhatsApp group offers an active platform where members share their knowledge and where bird calls are posted.
Members try to keep every meeting exciting and educational. Meetings have included a boat trip on Loskop Dam, talks about identifying water birds, bird watching on the plateau, training sessions on the use of binoculars, books, bird apps, and basic features to keep in mind when identifying bird species. A talk on the Southern Ground Hornbill by the Mabula breeding project was most informative. A highlight was the entertaining and competitive bird quiz evening hosted by Gerhard and Miemie. The club also had a very exciting virtual birding day during the lockdown. On 28 March 2020 twenty-six enthusiastic birders participated from the luxury of their own gardens with a total of 71 birds spotted at Kranspoort, Witbank, Middelburg, and Pretoria.
The latest initiative is to build a dam at the picnic area. Several donors have already contributed.
At present twelve families are active members. The annual membership fee is R100 per family.
Elsie Cross 083 236-5547, | Annemarie Botha 082 788 7686,
Madagaskar Koekoek het voëlkykers op hol
- Middelburg Observer | 17 Oktober 2022

Kranspoort is nou ’n internasionale voëlkyk paradys met die ontdekking van ’n Madagaskar Koekoek in die wildernisdorpie.
Die Madagaskar-koekoek is nog net ’n paar keer in Suid-Afrika opgemerk, en ’n vreemde roep Vrydag, het Kranspoort inwoners vroegdag reeds op hol gehad.
Die unieke roep van die voël is eers op ’n selfoon opgeneem, wat vinnig landwyd onder voëlkenners versprei het. Na wye navraag is daar bevestig dat die unieke roep die is van die Madagaskar Koekoek. Toe die eerste foto’s Saterdag van die pragvoël onder inwoners versprei is, was dit duidelik dat die Madagaskar Koekoek ’n Kaapse-draai Loskopvallei toe gemaak het.
Namate die nuus onder voëlkyk-groepe gedeel is, het navrae begin instroom en daar is besluit om voëlkykers van reg oor Suid-Afrika toegang tot die dorpie te gee vir ’n eens in ’n leeftyd ontmoeting met die Madagaskar Koekoek. Selfs ’n oorsese toergroep se bus het by Kranspoort-dorp ingerol vir die geleentheid.
Meer as 40 besoekers, insluitende die internasionale toergroep, en kuiergaste uit Pretoria en Johannesburg, het die naweek alleen op Kranspoort-dorp aangeklop.
Bekende plaaslike voëlkenner, Johan van Rensburg, het ook nie gras onder sy voete laat groei nie.
’n Magdom foto’s van die Madagaskar Koekoek is gedurende die naweek geneem en wêreldwyd op voëlkyk-forums geplaas.
Besoekers uit Gauteng het ook reeds besprekings gemaak om Kranspoort-dorp met hul onderskeie voëlkykgroepe te besoek.
Kranspoort-dorp se Geveerde Vriende voorsitter, me. Elsie Cross, sê dat reeds vier voëlkykers vanmore by Kranspoort-dorp se hekke gestop het.
Volgens me. Cross is dit net die derde maal in vyf jaar dat die voël in Suid-Afrika gesien word, met ’n bevestigde besoek in die Kruger Nasionale Park vier jaar gelede en Bloemfontein twee jaar terug. Dit is maar die sewende, bevestigde keer dat die Madagaskar Koekoek in die land aangetref is.
“Soos dinge nou staan klink, en lyk dit vir ons dat net die een voël ’n blaaskans hier kom neem het,” sê me. Cross.
Sy sê inwoners van Kranspoort staal hulle nou vir ’n toestroom van voëlkykers.
“Dit is inderdaad ’n eens in ’n leeftyd ervaring,” beaam me. Cross.